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Writer's pictureLochan das Thakur das

Friday 10th November - Kartik month continues

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

This Friday we will continue the festivities of the Holy Month of Kartik.

To compliment this, His Grace Krishna Gopal das prabhu will give an interactive talk and discussion on 'The Most Confidential Knowledge' from Bhagavad Gita. This chapter outlines key verses that provide the framework & impetus to practice Bhakti Yoga, that is stated to give 'direct perception of the self by realisation, it is the perfection of spiritual practice' & Krishna says 'It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed'.

During Kartik Month devotees try and increase their practice & meditation on The Supreme Personalty of

Godhead - Krishna, especially Krishna during his pastimes in his rural life in Vrindavan. We will recount the famous pastime of Mother Yasoda and Krishna with the bhajan (devotional song) - Damodarastakam and offer Candles to Mother Yoshoda and infant Krishna. You are sure to find it a beautiful meditation and creates a mystical atmosphere, bringing light in these seemingly turbulent times.

As usual we will also have Kirtans (chanting with musical instruments) -the most effective method of self-realisation for this age- and finish with a Veggie/Vegan Spiritual Feast.

We look forward to seeing you there!

BMECP centre, near to the rear of Brighton's train station - 10 Fleet St, Brighton, BN1 4ZE.

Map of the venue HERE

Time 19.00-22.00

Admission Free (Donations welcome)

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