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Writer's pictureLochan das Thakur das

Friday 21st June - Kirtan in the park

Friday, as the good weather is here, we are holding our Kirtan (call and response Mantra meditation) outdoors at 'the Level' park in Brighton.

Please join as we meet on the large grass area on the north side of the park from 19.00 - please bring something to sit on and maybe a blanket as we sit together and chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra with musical instruments.

'The church of kirtan invites all classes of people, without distinction as to caste or clan, to engage in the highest cultivation of the spirit. This church, it appears, will extend all over the world, and take the place of all sectarian institutions which exclude “outsiders” from the precincts of the mosque, church, or temple.' (Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur - Chaitanya Mahaprabhu His Life and Precepts – His Precepts)

Afterwards around 21.00 we will be having a Veggie/Vegan Spiritual Feast at the

BMECP centre, near to Brighton's train station - 10 Fleet St, Brighton, BN1 4ZE.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Map of 'the Level' HERE 

Map of the venue HERE 

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